Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Snow Day not Sick Day, YEAH!!!

Well I think we're finally on the mend. James has been home since Friday with the flu. I knew it was the flu Friday night when his fever spiked to almost 104, he was unresponsive on the couch, and coughing like crazy, but by Saturday morning he decided he was better...yeah right...I think that his fever was below 101 only because he had taken a half bottle of Advil and Tylenol simultaneously. By Sunday morning he was bad again and I was sick as a dog too so Judy came and got the kids for the day...thank goodness...neither of us could've even gotten Jake out of his crib we were so sick. Monday morning James finally went to the doctor and tested positive for flu. Since he was too late to take the medicine for it himself (of course he wouldn't have been too late had he gone to acutecare Saturday like I told him - but I hate to rub that in any more than I already have), Dr. Tom prescribed the Tamiflu for the kids as a preventative measure. So far so good...Jake has run a temp off and on since Monday afternoon, but does not have the flu and Addison is doing great. I have no sign of the flu except that I feel nauseated and completely exhausted, but I'm pretty sure that's not the flu! :) So, this morning James went on to work for a while and the kids were home with me...Addi had a snow day so we've just been playing, watching Mickey's Clubhouse on TV, and eating the yummy potato soup that Aunt Cyndi brought over last night and Addi's been eating food that Grammy sent down from her bible study last night. Thank goodness for family...if it weren't for them my kids would be eating peanut butter for every meal. Just to tell you how much Addison has appreciated having "real" food...she asked for two extra helpings of peas at lunch...she loves if I only could get the stomach and energy to go back to my normal cooking! :)


Lesli said...

I'm so sorry that you're still not feeling well! I hope that passes soon. :o)

JonesFam4 said...

Ahhh for the days of not wiping every surface the kids and James touch or breathe I wish I'd gotten stock in Lysol/clorox wipes. Welcome back to the land of the living, now you just need to hit the 2 trimester to feel real.

TheBurnsGirls said...

Sounds like our house, Hillary, Mallory and my mom have the flu. The Doctor gave Hunter and I Taniflu also. I am praying i dont get sick. Good Luck!