Saturday, February 2, 2008

Our "super" weekend...

This weekend James is having open houses Friday night and Saturday and Sunday afternoons to try and get some more people in the house that we built across the street from us. A local furniture store has furnished it beautifully and it now has some window treatments thanks to Gale, Mom, and Pottery all it needs is an owner other than us. The strain of owning two houses is beyond tough, but we are continuing to trust that everything will work out. Here's a link to new video and pics of the house since all the new furnishings have been added...

In other Williams news...Addi got the tube taken out of ear finally this past Thursday...we thought we were going to see the doctor in Louisville to have it looked at and the surgery to remove it scheduled, but after looking in her ear he decided to "try it in the office". It was a little traumatic for Addi (and for me!) but after a minute or so of Addi laying completely still and a long instrument stuck in her ear to grab was out! She cried quite a bit as it did hurt a little (I think it was embedded in the ear a little more than he originally had thought) but she did great ...and it's all over now and we don't have to be put to sleep to do it later on. She was a brave girl!

Jake has been sick again this week...actually sicker than I have seen him in a long time...started with fever and croupy cough early Wednesday morning...ended up getting to be a much uglier cough by Thursday night and so we went to see the doctor. He tested negative for flu which was a great news, but she still wanted to send us for a chest xray to make sure there was no pneumonia causing the bad cough. Uncle Darrell was nice enough to do the chest xray for us and even gave Jake a new hotwheels car (which Jake calls his "truck" instead, oh well...close I guess). So, no pneumonia, just bad viral junk so we're doing breathing treatments and a round of steroids. Between the coughing fits and the effects of the steroids...Jake was wild last night! He is sounding better today and his fever is down a bit...hopefully we're almost done with this round of sickies.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Just DO NOT come near us, really, and Jake should be fine! Sorry you had to do another steriod last night. I'm already wondering what I'm going to do when these kids feel better, I've forgotten what to play. So much tv, books and puzzles...I'm sure when we're well they'll be crazy! Stay well and SELL SELL SELL, the house looks amazing!