Well tonight was the kickoff for our local March of Dimes walk. Since we are the ambassador family I had to speak...I am not usually comfortable doing things like that, but for some reason I was really pretty okay with the whole thing. Jake was a total ham, waving and blowing kisses at everyone and Addison got to be a part as well. They told her she could cut the ribbon at the beginning walk and she got to draw for the door prizes...I thought that was really nice how they included her too. Anyway, we played our March of Dimes PSA Contest video and then I spoke...I thought I would share what I had to say tonight...
"Good evening…it’s a real honor for me to be sharing with you tonight our family’s story and to hopefully give you all a little more insight into why we walk and what the money we raise through the March for Babies will actually be used for in the future. On the video you just saw you heard my dad talking about his first memory of the March of Dimes and what it used to mean to him. Well, for me, my first memory of the March of Dimes was the first time I participated in WalkAmerica several years ago. At that time I was participating because a friend asked me to do it and because I knew it was for a good cause - I really didn’t know much about prematurity at that time, but I had had friends, family, and acquaintances who had either lost babies too soon or who had babies born with a birth defect. And honestly at that time I never dreamed that it would ever go beyond that for me personally…it was like any other health-related fundraiser that I had participated in…for a good cause, but not something that would probably ever actually affect me personally. But, several years later I found out exactly why I had walked before and why I would always walk after that in the March of Dimes March for Babies.
In the fall of 2005 we found out that we were expecting baby #2…our daughter Addison had just turned 2 and we were all very excited. During my 20 week ultrasound it was found that I had a condition called placenta previa that would likely resolve itself by the end of the pregnancy, but had to be watched carefully throughout the remainder of the pregnancy. Since I had had the same problem early in my pregnancy with Addison we felt sure that things would be fine again this time around. Unfortunately at every ultrasound and appointment thereafter we kept getting the same news…that the placenta was still too low and that we would have a c-section a few weeks early to prevent any complications. That was the plan at least.
On March 24th, 2006 I was rushed by ambulance to Hardin Memorial because of complications from a complete placenta previa and preterm labor. Our son Jake was born by emergency c-section 6 weeks early. He was a good weight for a preemie – 5 lbs. 5 oz. and since his weight was so good and he looked good we all thought that he was going to be just fine. His first several hours were spent in the special care nursery where he had to get IV’s and had to have blood drawn over and over again to check is oxygen levels until his feet were black and blue. Since his ability to breathe on his own continued to deteriorate that night the decision was made to transport him to Kosair Children’s Hospital in Louisville because of respiratory distress syndrome and surfactant deficiency. Surfactant is the substance that coats the inside of the lungs that allows them to inflate with each breath…without this substance the lungs will not inflate properly thus causing extreme breathing difficulties…many premature babies have not had time in the womb to develop surfactant so this is a common complication of prematurity. While in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at Kosair Jake was placed on a ventilator and received 2 doses of surfactant therapy. On his second night in the NICU my husband and I received a call in the middle of the night (I was still in the hospital here in E’town recovering from the c-section) and we were told that his lung had collapsed so he had received a chest tube to reinflate the lung. During his hospital stay Jake also had to receive 2 blood transfusions, and had more tubes and wires attached to his little head and body than you can imagine. As anyone who has had a child in the NICU can tell you, it’s a roller coaster ride…you get good news and take two steps forward only for some other setback to take place that takes a you a step back. You see things that are completely heartbreaking…families saying goodbye to their babies at the bedside right next to you. It’s hard and it’s scary, but thankfully our story had a happy ending…after 35 days in the hospital Jake was welcomed home by me and my husband, James, and his big sister, Addison. We are extremely thankful for the family and friends here in Hardin County and all over the country that prayed for Jake, supported our family, and helped us all through the difficult times that surrounded Jake’s birth and hospital stay. We are especially thankful for the March of Dimes, specifically for their funding of the research on surfactant therapy…it wasn’t until the 1980’s that this research took place and it is what ultimately saved Jake’s life.
So this year I’m walking for Jake, but I’m also walking for my daughter Addison who was born full term and healthy because the March of Dimes certainly has had a hand in helping all babies, healthy or not get their full nine months. And I’m walking for babies that were in the NICU with Jake, ones that came home way before him, those whose stay was much longer, and those who never came home. And this year I’m also walking for our new baby…baby #3 who is not due until this September, but will certainly be benefited by March of Dimes research as well.
I want to personally thank you for your support of the March of Dimes. I encourage you to continue helping to save babies each year through your participation in March for Babies. Jake is a happy and healthy almost 2 year old little boy thanks to you and to those who have supported the March of Dimes throughout the years.
Thank you."
So, the Hardin County March for Babies is April 26th and so I need to get on the ball with getting our family team - "Team Jake" together and ready to walk! Since we're the ambassador family there's also a lot of pressure to have a really good team and since we did really well last year it's going to be even harder this time around. It's a great time though and certainly for a really great cause.
Here's a picture from last year's walk.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Snow Day not Sick Day, YEAH!!!
Well I think we're finally on the mend. James has been home since Friday with the flu. I knew it was the flu Friday night when his fever spiked to almost 104, he was unresponsive on the couch, and coughing like crazy, but by Saturday morning he decided he was better...yeah right...I think that his fever was below 101 only because he had taken a half bottle of Advil and Tylenol simultaneously. By Sunday morning he was bad again and I was sick as a dog too so Judy came and got the kids for the day...thank goodness...neither of us could've even gotten Jake out of his crib we were so sick. Monday morning James finally went to the doctor and tested positive for flu. Since he was too late to take the medicine for it himself (of course he wouldn't have been too late had he gone to acutecare Saturday like I told him - but I hate to rub that in any more than I already have), Dr. Tom prescribed the Tamiflu for the kids as a preventative measure. So far so good...Jake has run a temp off and on since Monday afternoon, but does not have the flu and Addison is doing great. I have no sign of the flu except that I feel nauseated and completely exhausted, but I'm pretty sure that's not the flu! :) So, this morning James went on to work for a while and the kids were home with me...Addi had a snow day so we've just been playing, watching Mickey's Clubhouse on TV, and eating the yummy potato soup that Aunt Cyndi brought over last night and Addi's been eating food that Grammy sent down from her bible study last night. Thank goodness for family...if it weren't for them my kids would be eating peanut butter for every meal. Just to tell you how much Addison has appreciated having "real" food...she asked for two extra helpings of peas at lunch...she loves them...so if I only could get the stomach and energy to go back to my normal cooking! :)
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Valentine's Day 2008
This year Valentine's Day was fairly uneventful at our house...not that we usually have some big extravagant party or anything, but we usually either go out to eat (early to beat the crowds) or I cook a special dinner for us. Due to the fact that cooking is out for me right now due to an almost constant state of sea-sickness (aka - morning sickness that is coming and going all throughout the day and night) we didn't do either. I haven't been able to cook anything for about 10 days now, but thanks to Judy and Mandy we had a nice dinner and even some wonderful Valentine's sugar cookies for dessert. They even helped the kids ice and decorate the Valentine's cupcakes that I made with the kids that morning (during a short period of not feeling sea-sick). There was no school for Addi or Parents Morning Out for Jake so they both missed their Valentine's parties...maybe they'll have them this week. So, we made the best of the day at home and Daddy even brought home balloons and candy to the kiddos for their V-tine's Day treat. Grammy and Granddaddy also stopped by with gifts too. Here's some pictures of the kids in their Valentine's Day apparel and licking the cupcake beaters...it doesn't get much better than that! :)
Big news...new baby on the way!
There's going to be another baby for the Williams family...probably sometime in late September. We were very surprised but are also very excited and feel very blessed by the new addition to our family. We are just praying for an uneventful pregnancy and a healthy baby this fall!
We told the news to everyone last weekend and everyone has been very excited for us. Addison's reaction was classic though. First she had some concerns over whether the same thing would happen this time around as when Jake was born (she let us know that she didn't want Mommy to go to the hospital and didn't want to not have a mommy and daddy for a long time - Jake spent a little over a month in the NICU and hospital following his premature birth and so we were gone quite a bit in the first few weeks). Then later on that night out of nowhere she said (in a tone that sounded a lot more like a parent talking to their child instead of a 4 year old talking to their Mommy and Daddy), "So, did you all plan this or what? Did you even think about it? Or did you just come up with it on your own?" Not the reaction we were expecting from her! But still a reaction that probably could have been expected from some of our family for sure! :)
Anyway, she's very excited now and is busy coming up with names...Jake still doesn't have a clue, but he will soon enough I'm sure. So, in honor of a new baby coming into our family I decided to post a couple of our first two babies...
Addison Kate - 2 days old - on her way home from the hospital.Jake Adam - 5 weeks old - his first day at home.
We told the news to everyone last weekend and everyone has been very excited for us. Addison's reaction was classic though. First she had some concerns over whether the same thing would happen this time around as when Jake was born (she let us know that she didn't want Mommy to go to the hospital and didn't want to not have a mommy and daddy for a long time - Jake spent a little over a month in the NICU and hospital following his premature birth and so we were gone quite a bit in the first few weeks). Then later on that night out of nowhere she said (in a tone that sounded a lot more like a parent talking to their child instead of a 4 year old talking to their Mommy and Daddy), "So, did you all plan this or what? Did you even think about it? Or did you just come up with it on your own?" Not the reaction we were expecting from her! But still a reaction that probably could have been expected from some of our family for sure! :)
Anyway, she's very excited now and is busy coming up with names...Jake still doesn't have a clue, but he will soon enough I'm sure. So, in honor of a new baby coming into our family I decided to post a couple of our first two babies...
Addison Kate - 2 days old - on her way home from the hospital.Jake Adam - 5 weeks old - his first day at home.
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Our "super" weekend...
This weekend James is having open houses Friday night and Saturday and Sunday afternoons to try and get some more people in the house that we built across the street from us. A local furniture store has furnished it beautifully and it now has some window treatments thanks to Gale, Mom, and Pottery Barn...now all it needs is an owner...an owner other than us. The strain of owning two houses is beyond tough, but we are continuing to trust that everything will work out. Here's a link to new video and pics of the house since all the new furnishings have been added...
In other Williams news...Addi got the tube taken out of ear finally this past Thursday...we thought we were going to see the doctor in Louisville to have it looked at and the surgery to remove it scheduled, but after looking in her ear he decided to "try it in the office". It was a little traumatic for Addi (and for me!) but after a minute or so of Addi laying completely still and a long instrument stuck in her ear to grab it...it was out! She cried quite a bit as it did hurt a little (I think it was embedded in the ear a little more than he originally had thought) but she did great ...and it's all over now and we don't have to be put to sleep to do it later on. She was a brave girl!
Jake has been sick again this week...actually sicker than I have seen him in a long time...started with fever and croupy cough early Wednesday morning...ended up getting to be a much uglier cough by Thursday night and so we went to see the doctor. He tested negative for flu which was a great news, but she still wanted to send us for a chest xray to make sure there was no pneumonia causing the bad cough. Uncle Darrell was nice enough to do the chest xray for us and even gave Jake a new hotwheels car (which Jake calls his "truck" instead, oh well...close I guess). So, no pneumonia, just bad viral junk so we're doing breathing treatments and a round of steroids. Between the coughing fits and the effects of the steroids...Jake was wild last night! He is sounding better today and his fever is down a bit...hopefully we're almost done with this round of sickies.
In other Williams news...Addi got the tube taken out of ear finally this past Thursday...we thought we were going to see the doctor in Louisville to have it looked at and the surgery to remove it scheduled, but after looking in her ear he decided to "try it in the office". It was a little traumatic for Addi (and for me!) but after a minute or so of Addi laying completely still and a long instrument stuck in her ear to grab it...it was out! She cried quite a bit as it did hurt a little (I think it was embedded in the ear a little more than he originally had thought) but she did great ...and it's all over now and we don't have to be put to sleep to do it later on. She was a brave girl!
Jake has been sick again this week...actually sicker than I have seen him in a long time...started with fever and croupy cough early Wednesday morning...ended up getting to be a much uglier cough by Thursday night and so we went to see the doctor. He tested negative for flu which was a great news, but she still wanted to send us for a chest xray to make sure there was no pneumonia causing the bad cough. Uncle Darrell was nice enough to do the chest xray for us and even gave Jake a new hotwheels car (which Jake calls his "truck" instead, oh well...close I guess). So, no pneumonia, just bad viral junk so we're doing breathing treatments and a round of steroids. Between the coughing fits and the effects of the steroids...Jake was wild last night! He is sounding better today and his fever is down a bit...hopefully we're almost done with this round of sickies.
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