Saturday, January 19, 2008

Mommy's Little Seal (aka Jake this morning)

Jake and Addi have both been pretty snotty and congested the past few days...Jake mostly though, which of course makes his "floppy airway" as his doctors like to call it even floppier and noisy when he cries, laughs, or just gets out of breath running around. We went to the doctor yesterday just to make sure that we didn't need a round of steroids for it and decided that since it wasn't causing great alarm so far to hold off...steroids make him crazy...guess that's why they call it 'roid rage. Anyway, very early this morning I was awakened by what sounded like a baby seal barking and the sound was coming from Jake's room...croup. He's been doing much better since he's been up for a while, but it looks like we need to be finding someone to watch him in the morning for church and if we're not better by Monday we'll be 'roid raging away! :)

1 comment:

JonesFam4 said...

SOOOOO Sorry, know this one far too well. You're not going to be sleeping much. Let me know if you want our big bean bag chair, Cam slept in that when he had croup, kept him propped up and he couldn't fall out. I'd sleep on the air mattress in his room with him in the bean bag and we'd get a few hours at a time. Steamer going and a few runs to do the shower running breathe deep then wrap up and head outside. ANYWAY, pray that he'll get better quick.