Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Sick Little Buddy/Preschool Homework?

Well Jake is now on Day 3 of fever bouncing back and forth between 101 and 104...he doesn't seem to have anything else wrong with him...he just feels bad and is tired of being sick...he does seem to perk back up a little whenever Addison comes home and wants to play with him though...hopefully he'll get better today...we are all exhausted!
Addison's heart echo came back "completely normal" so we are very happy to hear that. Last night Addison had "homework" for preschool...I had no idea we were going to start that this year, but she was thrilled...she had to put different scents on 4 cotton balls (it was for a 5 senses unit they are doing). Addison put apple juice on one, spray butter on another and then got a little carried away with Mommy's perfume so we have 2 with Estee Lauder Beautiful on them...oh well...she thought she was a very big girl this morning taking her homework back to school.

1 comment:

JonesFam4 said...

Poor guy. He looks so miserable.