Friday, August 24, 2007

Addi's shots and it is hot!

Addison did pretty well with her 4 year old shots...she had to have 3, but James took her and he said things went well...they stopped for milkshakes on the way home...Dr. Ball heard a heart murmur again...she'll have an echo on Tuesday to make sure that it's not anything to worry about...I still worry, but I'm sure it will be fine.

Jake is 17 months old today...he's been a little rotten at the dinner table lately...he throws food...obviously some is going in from the looks of him, but the other night James smacked his hand and told him he was being "beligerant"...I'm sure he understood.

We spent the morning with Mark out at the lake setting up the MOPS tent (diaper changing and cookies and water for kiddos) for's 900 degrees, but it's a good thing to do...things at church are going great so any way to get people connected is definitely worthwhile.

The pictures were from a few weeks ago at the Ingram's's been too hot to swim even the past few days!

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