Addi's Christmas Gala Dance Recital was Friday night...her class performed 3rd from the last so it was lots of waiting to get to her 3 minute dance, but it was definitely worth it. She had a ball, loved being on the "big stage" again, and there was even snow (soap suds) falling as all of the 30-some angels ballet danced. Big thanks to Grammy and Granddaddy, Bama and Granddad, Aunt Judy and Mandy, Uncle Mark and Aunt Nicole, and Emily for sitting through it all to see our little angel dance!
After MOPS on Monday some of the kiddos of the steering team members were hanging out, eating left-over grapes, and dancing to Christmas tunes. It was too cute...Jake in his big old rain jacket was lookin' just like a DJ spinnin' tunes for all his "fly girls" and dancing away to the music. Don't worry...we're not encouraging that for his future career path...but it's cute when you're 1 though!
Wow! I've missed a ton of posts!! Looks like you all have been doing well. We hope to get back to the lifegroup soon!
I love the DJ pose! He was hilarious!!!!! We must get the Chipmunks Christmas album, they'd go nuts!
Addi was a beautiful dancer, but I much preferred her dress rehearsal outfit on thurs night :)
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