Tuesday, February 17, 2009

More new pictures...

New pictures of the kids...

These are some of the pictures that Nicole's brother, Drew Ingram, took of the kids recently...

Monday, February 9, 2009

Missing Jake!

Last night before going to bed I went to check on the kids...Addi was sound asleep in her bed and so I went into Jake's room and found his bed empty...I immediately had this panic feeling all over and ran into his bathroom, not there...I looked in the closet (sometimes he gets out of bed and goes into his closet to find toys), not there either...so at this point I was getting a little freaked out. I ran back into Addi's room and found this...

I guess he got up to check on his sis and was so sleepy he couldn't make it back to his bed...he did have me scared for a couple minutes though!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Playing outside in January!

Well a few days before the big ice storm hit we actually had a very pleasant day with temperatures reaching low 60's so we bundled up Anna and headed outside. The kids were so thrilled to get out and swing, play ball, do sidewalk chalk, hopscotch, ride their bikes, and Anna had a ball just watching from her snuggly blanket and stroller. It definitely made me ready for spring, but it didn't last long...just 4 days later we were hit hard with one of the worst ice storms ever in this area. We lost power for 3 days, but managed pretty well with our gas log fireplace and Mom's gas cooktop to make food. The kids had a big time "camping out" with Daddy in the living room floor in front of the fire place and thanks to family and friends who allowed us to take showers and do a little laundry we made it okay. Our power was some of the first to be restored so we were able to help out some of the others who were still without power for several more days. The Joneses came and stayed in our basement and we really had a lot of fun...it was actually kind of sad when their power came back on and they had to leave! But hopefully that will be our last big winter weather for the year and we won't miss any more days of school...today's the first day back since last Monday so who knows when we'll ever get out for summer now!

Oh, and Anna is now rolling over, eating cereal once a day, grunting like a piggie, and loving TV...I know, that's not something to be proud of, but no matter how we hold her, if the TV is on, she is craining her neck around to see it...oh well...she gets it honest I guess! :)