Friday, April 25, 2008

It's a GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!

We had our 18 week ultrasound today and found out that Baby Williams #3 is a girl. Addison is very excited about a new baby sister and Jake just says "". They said that everything looked good so far with the baby, but we'll have to check a few things again later because she was laying on her belly and wouldn't let the ultrasound tech get a good look at everything she needed to. Unfortunately I am not going to be allowed to walk tomorrow in the March of Dimes March for Babies, because the doctor wants me to be careful and not do anything to strenuous that might cause preterm labor/contractions, but I think we're going to have a great turnout and a great "Team Jake" anyway. I'll go back next week to have another ultrasound and to check to make sure everything is still going okay before we go on our trip to Florida. So...we're going to have lots more hairbows, dresses, and pink stuff again here at the Williams house!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

March of Dimes - Bank Day

Mom and Jake headed out this morning in their "Team Jake" t-shirts to pick up last minute donations, deliver t-shirts, and to take our team money to the bank for March for Babies Bank Day. Team Jake has raised over $4000 for Saturday's walk...we are very excited and thankful to all those who have helped us reach our goal and who have helped save more babies! :)

Trip to the zoo with the Burns Girls...

Well, since Addison ended up being sick for the first part of her spring break week we didn't get to do as many fun outings as we had planned, but luckily we still got to spend a day at the zoo and the Burns Girl and Ms. Gwen came along. It was a perfect day and the kids had a great time seeing all the animals, playing on the playground, and taking a train ride (actually Jake wasn't crazy about the tunnels, but hopefully he'll like it better next time!).

These kids LOVE bubbles!

We've been spending lots of time outside just hanging out on the deck and blowing lots of bubbles. Jake gets such a kick out of it...and thankfully it's pretty cheap and easy entertainment for the kids! :)

Monday, April 21, 2008

Jake's in the news...again! :)

The Hardin County "March for Babies" is this Saturday morning starting at E'town High School. It should be a lot of fun and certainly for a good cause so if you want to join us and haven't already signed up for "Team Jake" let me know! Here's an article that ran in this morning's News-Enterprise...front page!

Monday, April 7, 2008

Sesame Street Live!

Bama took us to see Elmo and the gang at Sesame Street Live at the Brown Theater Sunday afternoon. Addison had been a couple of years already, but this was Jake's first time. He absolutely loved every minute of it. It was so cute to watch his face during the show and how excited he got about all the characters singing and dancing on stage. We had a great time. Luckily it was yesterday instead of today though because Addison ended up with a high fever last night late and has not been feeling well at all today. The doctor said she must have whatever Jake had last week. Anyway, we had a great time...thanks Karen!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Jake in the News!!!

Check out Jake's picture and the half page ad for this year's March for Babies in today's News's on the front page of the comic section. I tried to post a copy of it but it wouldn't work.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Lotsa' Blogging

So I hadn't updated in a while and I had a LOT of pictures on my camera between Easter, Jake's birthday, etc. It's a blogging marathon so if you wanna read them all you'll have to go on to the next page too!

Preschool Graduation Picture Day

Addison had her 3rd and last "picture day" of the school year last week. Since she had to wear a cap and gown you won't be able to see her cute outfit so we took pictures at home too...and of course Jake had to jump in for the photo op too and yell "CHEESE"!!!

Addi's Spring Training

Addison is enjoying playing softball...she's already practiced 3 times this week so it may be a little more involved than we were originally thinking, but so far so good. She's still not loving the helmet, but she's getting better about it. We don't start games until the end of the month.

Jake's Real Birthday - March 24, 2008

Jake had had loads of birthday fun before it was even the real day, but the real day was certainly fun-filled too. Cam and Emery came over to play and for chicken mcnuggets (Jake's favorite!) and leftover birthday cupcakes. Then the Burns girls and Ms. Gwen came over to celebrate too...and then a visit from Aunt Jennie and Uncle George. It was a great day.

It's hard to believe that my little baby boy is 2 years old!

Jake's Birthday at Bama and Granddad's House

Jake and Addison hunted for LOTS of eggs at Bama and Granddad's this year...apparently all the other cousins decided they were too old to do it this year!

Then we had a yummy dinner, an Elmo cake, and Jake got to open his gifts. He loved his new "bike" from Bama and Granddad.

Easter Sunday

The kids loved their treats from the Easter Bunny...he came while we were at church.

And here's Addison and Grammy in their Easter outfits and the annual Williams family Easter photo.

Jake's Birthday Party at Grammy and Granddaddy's

We celebrated Jake's birthday a couple of days early at Mom and Dad's house on the Saturday night before Easter. He had a great time playing, eating lots of cake and ice cream, and playing with family and friends.

Coloring Easter Eggs

The kids had lots of fun coloring eggs and Jake managed to not eat any of the dye tablets...not that he didn't try...we were just quicker than he was! :)

Easter Egg Hunt at Church

Here's pictures from the egg hunt at church. Jake loved the Easter we couldn't get him away...other parents were getting irritated because he would not leave the bunny alone long enough for them to get pictures of the bunny with their kids. It was bordering on embarrassing. We finally drug him away, but he was in love with the bunny!!!

Jake, Addi, and Jake's other love...Reese! :)